WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem a day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉
Overall theme 'The Great Escape'.
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Day 2 | April 2nd | The Magic Crow
Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!
** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.
The Magic Crow
Black as night
Judgement in his screech
Over my head in flight
Appearing just out of reach
Taunting me, never out of sight
Mistakes were made
Regrets will be held
Love turned to hate
Hate delivers me to hell
The magic crow appears to announce my fate
​​​​​​​​​​​©April 2, 2020
​​​​​​​​​​​J.E. McKnight
The Magic Crow
It was on a damp and cold night
Of so long ago,
Amidst the weeping branches; contrite, so-and-so,
Where my mind wandered, awash in the guilt-full oceans-
Of memories that once took me away,
To sandier shores and worlds created of our own.
Alas, it is only true that they hide by day
And come out to reap what darkest of seeds sewn.
Amidst the branches that scrape and claw
At the bleakness of a night so moonless,
That I first heard the flapping, the scratching and caw
Of that creature, that hated fowl of superstitious nonsense.
It alighted on a branch that draped across forest trail
And affixed me with the atrocious…
2. The Magic Crow
Harbinger of woe.
Tell me, irksome crow?
On and on you go.
Offended. You seem so.
A reflection of my soul.
In the sun I glow.
Thank you, Magic Crow!
(c) Linda J. Pedley April 2, 2020
The Magic Crow
That bird that marks darkness
Sounds like a dying duck
Looms decay and murk
You and your cohorts
Circling around death
Congregating like a funeral barricade
But who am I to judge?
Maybe there's some light in the Dark
Maybe there's some
Magic in the Crow
In all of this?