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Day 26 | April Poetry Month Challenge | Vanishing into the Stars

WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉

Overall theme 'The Great Escape'.

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Day 26 | April 26th | Vanishing into the Stars

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!

** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.

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Lana O'Neill
Lana O'Neill
27 abr 2020

Vanishing into the Stars- a Haiku

Stories passed along

Vanishing into the stars

As constellations

Life lived yesterday

Vanishing into the stars

Or maybe the Cloud

Memories of you

Vanishing into the stars

But never gone. Yay!

Dust of lost loved ones

Vanishing into the Stars

Now spirits raised high

Stars collect what’s ours

And reflect back the brilliance

For all to admire

Lana O’Neill

April 27, 2020

Me gusta

27 abr 2020

Vanishing into the Stars

Beautiful night sky

purples and pinks and blues a lighting

deep, dark, beauty of fireflies flying

quiet, serene with gentle crickets humming

sad, melancholy of even breathing

of mountains and prairies and oceans

dusk welcomes the creatures out

humans slow down and mourn

here I am wishing You

to take me

to sweep me off

And let me be

Vanishing into the Stars!

Me gusta

27 abr 2020

Vanishing into the Stars


Look, look up at the sky, at its velvet-painted inky blackness,

I can see it reflected in your eyes; that stillness, that expanse of mystery

That echoes here in time, amidst this stillness,

Take a breath and come with me on a journey.

Where to, you wonder; even I don’t really know

The paths this trail will take; maybe by granite cliff

Or amidst the grass and wood-path of a sunlit meadow?

Here, take my hand, let us answer this what if,

For what if, in gazing up at the vault held above,

We took a step, falling and vanishing

Into the stars, losing ourselves in flight like a dove;

The places we could go,…

Me gusta

Linda Pedley
Linda Pedley
26 abr 2020

26. Vanishing into the Stars

I came across a meme today

That suggested darkness was a blight…

But if it is you feel that way

How does one appreciate the light?

I read another yesterday

That made it appear all storms our bane…

But if it is what people say

How does one accept the value of rain?

I write this for tomorrow

Offering hope for all we are

Feel safe amongst the light and shadow

Vanishing into the stars.

So the adage that your dreams be high

Shoot for the moon above

Supports belief in you and all that’s good

Share positivity and love.

(c) Linda J. Pedley 04/26/2020

Me gusta

J.E. McKnight
26 abr 2020

Vanishing Into the Stars

A crowd gathers ‘round

To watch history

And three men heaven bound

To explore a great mystery

Watching from a distance

A countdown begins

An amazing thing to witness

Flags flying in the winds

The ground rumbles

Fire and smoke burst

Final seconds numbered

Energies dispersed

Lift off

The craft rises

Clearing the tower aloft

Can’t believe our eyes

Three men born of Earth

Their home is ours

Leaving for a great worth

Vanishing into the stars April 26, 2020 J.E. McKnight

Me gusta
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