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Vice President

'Never Been Better' Editor

I have been passionate about words and writing since childhood, when I kept my parents entertained with short stories and tall tales about the birds and animals visiting our rural Massachusetts home.  The only child of two speech and language pathologists, I followed in the footsteps of my parents and graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Arts in English in 2005.


I found my niche in the literary world when I joined the Writers Foundation of Strathcona County (WFSC) in 2010.  Connecting with this group of dedicated, like-minded writers opened networking doors in the local arts community and I received valuable advice, support, and encouragement in terms of my own freelance writing goals. I have been a Board Member with the WFSC since 2011 and in my current position as Vice President since 2012. My main role as a Board Member is Page Editor of the Never Been Better publication, a monthly full-page layout in the Sherwood Park newspaper focusing on community events, lifestyle tips, and creative writing, geared towards older adults in the community.


Freelance writing over the years has allowed me to explore a variety of projects and genres, including technical writing for businesses, policy and safety manual writing, horticulture and gardening articles, creative non-fiction writing, and proofreading.


I live in Sherwood Park with my husband and two high-energy, elementary-aged children. While writing and being a parent is a significant part of my identity, I also love being outdoors - walking and hiking, downhill and cross-country skiing, and spending time at the family cabin. Although I’m not able to sit down with a pen and paper as often as I’d like, I know my love of the written word will carry me through each stage of life’s journey.

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PO Box 57083 | Sherwood Park, Alberta | T8A 5L7

Ext 703


©2024  Writers Foundation of Strathcona County (WFSC). | All work contained in this website is presented with the permission of the author/artist and is protected by copyright. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the author/artist is strictly prohibited. Click here to view our privacy policy. Maintained by Kelsey Hoople.

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