WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators, Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople, challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉
Overall theme 'When Life Changes'.

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Day 13 | April 13th | New Normal

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!
** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.
#nationalpoetrymonth #poetrymonthchallenge #wfsc #whenlifechanges #newnormal #poetry #writing #poetrychallenge
New Normal
On a horizon kissed by the midnight storm
A sun of gold and copper-lily rose,
A herald to the coming of a new form -
A harbinger of days cold-and-stole.
What was it that came with this new day
Amidst the bustle and business of normal below;
Could it be that with the rising of the sun was borne a new way
To rid the world of inaction so slow?
Or did the sun come to herald the bringing
Of seven horsemen, riders of a world not so foreign -
With their bows of steel singing
And welcoming to the world screams, maimed and dying?
And beneath our glass ceilings
Those protectors of elements outside our control,
April 13th – New Normal
If there is one thing upon which we can all agree
It’s human nature to compare what is to what was
And our reflection on what was is a necessity
And then the simplest phrase becomes a buzz.
A ‘New Normal’ describes our situation now
Even though it’s lasted already a year
Like a performer on stage taking a bow
The pandemic continues to feed into our fear
Some of us get it and do as directed
We consider the good of our community
We stay home to ensure the vulnerable are protected
Accepting that the sacrifice is not all about ‘me’
Others appear angered and march to protest
Which, of course, is their right…
A neighborhood preoccupied with
Commutes at dawn and errands
Before mealtime.
Sons and daughters zoomed away to
Soccer, gymnastics, swim meets and
The like.
Acquaintances with filled social calendars of
Choir practice on Tuesday evenings or
Book club discussions at
The library.
A sliver of evening cherished, feet kicked up,
The frenzy calmed just enough to meet
The night.
A neighborhood repurposed with
Projects of dining room home offices or
Classrooms; basement fitness centers or
Winter greenhouses.
Sons and daughters at home, hooked up to
Virtual friends, riding bikes up and down
The street.
Acquaintances zoomed into a box on Tuesday
Evenings, pantomiming the opening ditty of
The Brady Bunch.
A sliver…
New Normal
Wearing masks
For ordinary tasks.
Seeing family and friends
Abruptly ends.
Staying home on a Saturday night
Now lots of time to write.
Worked hard to pay the bills
Now I stay home to keep from feeling ill.
A once active world full of thrill
Had suddenly come to a standstill.
This is our new normal.
Welcome to 2020, pal.