WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators, Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople, challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉
Overall theme 'When Life Changes'.

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Day 21 | April 21th | Through the Storm

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!
** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.
#nationalpoetrymonth #poetrymonthchallenge #wfsc #whenlifechanges #throughthestorm #poetry #writing #poetrychallenge
April 21st – Through the Storm
A burst of light and song
A morning born anew
Our confidence is strong
Hearts and minds belong
Of regrets we have but few
A burst of light and song
So much joy cannot be wrong
Journey on for me and you
Our confidence is strong
Refreshed, it won’t be long
New perspectives into view
A burst of light and song
Hope and help will come along
Get through the dark to golden hue
Our confidence is strong
No better time to be upon
Through the storm emerge anew
A burst of light and song
Our confidence is strong.
© Linda J. Pedley – April 2021
Through The Storm
My personal storm varies
each day
each moment
One storm can be colourful and vivid
Another storm can be violent and harsh
There is a tiny storm hardly felt
One was like a tropical typhoon
blew the roofs
killed the goats
But one tree survived
bore fruits
and then some
little buds
And then brace for more
because they come and they go
Somehow they survive
We survive
Through it all
Water gushed into the warehouse
Friday afternoon.
Ear-splitting thunder announced more.
All hands (buckets & mops) on deck,
Even the bosses.
I snuck outside for a peek;
Gasped in the humidity.
Our prairie sky was ill-
Churned into a nauseous green,
Vomiting icy golf balls.
Spears of wayward lightening
Bolted me back inside.
A bog of carpet squelched
Under my feet
And the bosses said, ‘go home,
There’s more.’
I joined a funeral procession along Baseline,
Saturday afternoon,
And mourned a crude oil container crushed
Like a beer can
In the fist of the F4 Tornado from Black Friday.
Through The Storm
Whirling and Swirling,
Head filled with
L, but
pushing on, then,