WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators, Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople, challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉
Overall theme 'When Life Changes'.

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Day 9 | April 9th | Plan Gone Astray

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!
** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.
#nationalpoetrymonth #poetrymonthchallenge #wfsc #whenlifechanges #plangoneastray #poetry #writing #poetrychallenge
Wow, isn't that the truth! And here we go again. Great job, Lana.
April 9th – Plan Goes Astray
It seems my plan has gone astray
Too long I lingered in my bed
The sky has turned a dismal grey.
Sunrise of promise yet I lay
Pastel shades shift to crimson red
It seems my plan has gone astray.
Best rise early to greet the day
Outlook fine the weatherman said
The sky has turned a dismal grey.
Good lighting is the sun’s warm ray
My photo taking opp is dead
It seems my plan has gone astray.
For blank pictures no one will pay
Ashamed I feel – I hang my head
The sky has turned a dismal grey.
Instead of fretting, home I stay
No one will find me in…
Plan Gone Astray
Future so clear
When viewing from the past
Plans I held so dear
Saddened they couldn’t last.
Not sure where it went wrong
Where it all went astray
Dreams of my youth are gone
New ones will come, I pray
Life moves too fast
Plan for the future, but live for today
Don’t live in the past
Wondering where your plans went astray
News from Wuhan. Where? Google Wuhan.
Far away. Good. Let’s see now…flights to Vegas.
More out of Wuhan. Europe? Jeez.
Let’s see now…hotel prices in Vegas are inflated.
Google Events. March madness! Try the weekend after.
Everything’s booked. Billy Idol tickets in the mail.
Let’s see now…someone recommended dinner at
Battista’s Hole in the Wall. Wait. What? A case in Canada.
What now? Still time to get refunds.
Billy Idol tickets arrive. Damn. Maybe.
Can’t do it. Cancel.
A case in Alberta. Shutdowns begin March 12.
Billy Idol concert still on, Friday the 13th. No refunds.
Small price to pay. We’re stuck here, not there.
Relief? Regret? Let’s see now…time for a new plan.