July 2022
“Read, read, read. Read everything — trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.” — William Faulkner
Editor's Note:
The Strathcona Writers Muse is a forum for members of the Writers Foundation of Strathcona County to provide an opportunity for members to publish their works. Anything published in our letter is eligible to receive a publishing credit. We accept poems and short stories of 1000 words or less normally but longer pieces can be accommodated if they can be published in parts. We are always in need of new items for each month so don't hesitate if you have something we can put into our publication.
Send submissions to wfscsherwoodpark@gmail.com care of
Henry Martell, editor.
Important Dates
Writers Circle Virtual Sharing Meeting online
Next date July 5, 2022
RSVP on the website and the link will be emailed to you prior to the meeting.
Next Board Meeting: July 12, 2022
Newsletter Submission Deadline: July 25, 2022
Poets in the Park
Poets in the park meets the third Wednesday of every month online.
Reply to the link on the WFSC website
Next scheduled meeting July 20, 2022
Children's Creative Writing Workshop
Second Monday of each month
Next Meeting July 11, 2022
Reply to the link on our Website
This Month's Submissions
Art of Expression by Mandy Eve-Barnett
Expression of creativity
Idea to form
Flows from mind to medium
Ability to transform
Clay molded and shaped
Paint spread with brushes
Textiles sewn to garment
Metal bent and hammered
Paper folded and creased
Words tumble imagination
Flora arranged and displayed
Baubles and beads strung
Wool knotted on needles
Cross stitches forming scenes
Pencils drawn cross paper
Hook twisting threads
Wax shaped and scented
Scraps into stories
Soap shaped and marbled
Creativity is the key
Explore and calm
Reside within
Soul’s joy
Little Light
There was a little light
At the end of my tear
The path that I had taken
Had taken me here
It was a path of pain and
Such wear
But I strove on
With persistence
And held on with fear
Each day I fought my breath
The agony filled me
With dread
I had lost my love
From the day we had wed
But did I find me
Now that I’m here
I look to that light
At the end of my tear.
Scharie Hilton.
Superior Repairs by Mandy Eve-Barnett
The clock ticked loudly in the empty shop, echoing its minute hands movement. Fred stood in the dark reliving the many customers he’d helped over the years, fixing radios, irons, bicycles, and food mixers. Familiar faces smiled as they greeted him laden with objects large and small, lifting some onto the counter, while others were rolled or pushed through the shop door. Now the closed sign was permanent. Fred’s fixing days were over. Retirement stretched ahead of him even though he’d postponed it for over two decades. At eighty years old, his fingers were no longer dexterous and his failing eyesight poor, even with the large magnifying glass to assist. He would miss the smiles, the conversation and the servicing but knew times had changed and now most people just bought new instead of fixing something.
He turned running his hand over the dusty counter one last time and put the key in the lock. The realtor greeted him with a smile, hand outstretched for the key.
“You were an institution Mr, Dobbs and one my parents and I cherished. We brought many items to you to fix and every time you made them work. That is a true gift.”
“Thank you for saying that, it makes my heart a little lighter.”
“What are your plans now, if I may ask?”
“I have a nice condo on the ground floor with a patio overlooking a playground. I will while away my days watching the youngsters and wondering how they will live. My daughter bought me a gadget so I can listen to books and of course there is my bridge club. I will not be quite so busy but at my age maybe that’s best.”
“Well, I wish you all the best and will keep you updated on the sale of the shop. Before you go I thought you might like to keep this.”
Fred looked down and saw the plaque from the door frame in the young man’s hand. F. Dobbs –Superior Repairs.
“Well, that is a kind thought and I will put it in pride of place on the mantle. Thank you.”
This is in response to a Saturday Writing Prompt Create a Cocktail. This is mine.
I created a cocktail with a zesty kick as I enjoy citrus tastes.
The VCL Cocktail
Glass: Flute
Vodka - 1 shot
Cointreau – 1 shot
Sprite - to top of flute
Lime juice – half a lime
Slice of lime
Mandy Eve-Barnett
'If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write' - Stephen King
What Are You Reading?
The Muse wants to know what other writers are reading! Are you doing research for a story? Are you reading a great book that you want to tell others about? E-mail the editor and let us know about your book. wfscsherwoodpark@gmail.com
The Smart One by Jennifer Close
A glimpse into a family's thoughts, their interactions and events that cause friction, reassessment and belonging. Well crafted characters that you will become involved with, finding some similarities within your own family dynamics, others far from your experience. Mandy Eve-Barnett TASTE: MY LIFE THROUGH FOOD (2021) by Stanley Tucci
Review by Lana O’Neill
Everyone loves Italian food! This was apparent when I hastily scanned the pages of Stanley Tucci’s recent memoir, Taste: My Life Through Food. Italian influenced recipes were scattered throughout the book and I couldn’t wait to see the standouts he chose to include and possibly try out for myself (maybe not the stiff drinks). It was like having dessert before the main course. Yum! But, as I immersed myself in this intimate telling of the foods that defined various stages of this actor’s life, I realized that I had merely sampled an aperitif, so to speak. Stories and food are a successful pairing and for good reason. Both can be enjoyed with family, friends and even strangers while imprinting everlasting memories easily and often times, unexpectedly conjured up by the faintest aroma connected to a moment in time. Tucci goes back to his childhood and through the years with astonishing clarity, deadpan humor and human insight resulting in an entertaining main course that left me wanting more by the time I finished the last page. I guess that’s what the recipes are for, including the Martini, Negroni and Old- Fashioned!
Publications available from our foundation. Anyone can purchase these works through our website at wfscsherwoodpark.com
We are excited to announce new publications through the Foundation.
The winner's of the children's creative writing contest in 2020 and 2021 have been compiled into a book. It will be at a special price until September 30th. Link:
“Creative Writing Workshop Facilitators Kelsey Hoople and Mike Deregowski challenge you to participate in national poetry month.” As part of Poetry Month for April 2020, the challenge was to write to the overall theme - The Great Escape. A different title posted each day provided inspiration for writing a poem a day for thirty days. It was a challenge worth taking up as many of the participants could no longer meet in person due to COVID-19 measures, but they could support one another online! This collection of poetry includes submissions from qualifying WFSC members for 2020. Challenge yourself! Enjoy!
“Creative Writing Workshop Facilitators Kelsey Hoople and Mike Deregowski challenge you to participate in national poetry month.” As part of Poetry Month for April 2021, the challenge was to write to the overall theme - When Life Changes. A different title posted each day provided inspiration for writing a poem a day for thirty days. Amidst the COVID-19 challenge, getting creative was an outlet for our writing group, which enjoyed connecting online and being inspired. This collection of poetry includes submissions from qualifying WFSC members for 2021. Challenge yourself! Enjoy!
Available for purchase:
DWP WFSC's publication prior to the Writing Prompts book shares stories of Canadian writers.
We write from the heart about people who are important and things dear to us.
We write with a spirit that leads us to explore and explain.
We write. We are passionate.
We are Canadian.
Postcards from Canada proudly features the words of members from the Writers Foundation of Strathcona County in celebration of being Canadian – during this 150th year of Confederation. Share with us as we take you on a journey across Canada with our words, our images, our verse, our prose… Postcards from Canada - Wish you were here! Get your copy for $14.95 through the following:
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1044815
Amazon POD:
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08JPKPV62
Available for purchase:
Writers Foundation of Strathcona County
2021 - 2022 Board Members and contact information:
Joe McKnight President jmcknight2@hotmail.com Bethany Horne Vice President cbhorne@shaw.ca Never Been Better - Editor Linda Pedley Treasurer Web Site Administration wildhorse33@hotmail.com 780-445-0991 Mandy Barnett Secretary mandybar@shaw.ca Writing Circle Host/ Writing Prompts/ Newsletter Editor Karen Probert Past President karen@lumevision.com 780-464-6632 Beth Rowe Director Your Lifetime of Stories Coordinator bethrowe1@telus.net 780-718-7253 Henry Martell Director Newsletter Coordinator wfscsherwoodpark@gmail.com Pamela J. Winter Director pamelajwinter@hotmail.com Poets in the Park Co-ordinator Amanda O'Driscoll Director Instagram Coordinator Library Liaison odriscoll.amanda@gmail.com
John Wheeler jbywheeler@gmail.com Email: wfscsherwoodpark@hotmail.com wordsinthepark@hotmail.com Website: (wfscsherwoodpark.com)
Copyright © *2022
Writers Foundation of Strathcona County All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 57083 | Sherwood Park, Alberta | T8A 5L7
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