WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem per day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉
Overall theme 'The Great Escape'.

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Day 22 | April 22nd | Tower of the Elements

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!
** Please Note: Membership to the WFSC is $20/year. We would love to have you join our challenge to post below by becoming a member of our community. To pay through Paypal or Credit Card click <HERE> or Contact us to arrange email transfer. Thank you.
22. Tower of the Elements
They stand before me, taunting
They are what is needed, haunting
Surround me with emotion, caring
That within made better, sharing
Long ago established, growing
The one way forward open, showing
Winds whisper words, encouraging
The sunshine warmth is purging
We breathe the air
We drink the water
Fires within
Are growing hotter
We need to see
Grasp the meaning
Or succumb to fate.
Fall to your knees in forgiving
Tower of elements sustains our living.
(c) Linda J. Pedley 04/26/2020
Tower of the Elements
We were the Tower of Babel
In times gone to past and history;
Tales of miscreant and rabble,
The wars of fury.
Our world was dealt out by the stake of king and pharaoh,
Our livelihoods taken from the peasant to the gentry.
Who are we now, you ask, what do we follow,
Down these streets and alleys so empty?
We are the beggar, the delusional, the undesired,
Begging for those scraps of metal;
Pleading at robes and dresses unspoiled,
Yet you pass us by, like so many pieces of false nettle.
You walk by us, begging silently to be ignored,
While we sit in shadows, destitute and poor;
Give to us those things you…
Tower of the Elements
I had a dream last night
It felt surreal
Representing my life
And the fight with which I deal
I entered a tower
Not unlike those in fairy tales
I wanted to cower
I wanted to bail
The first floor
Wall to wall aquariums I see
Fish eat fish, the horror
Fear drops me to my knees
Images in the water
Of debt and getting in over my head
My heart pounds; I feel hotter
Panic sets in
Water gives life
Too much and you can drown
Overwhelmed by the strife
Cannot let it get me down
Second floor
Made it out for all it’s worth
What I saw could not ignore
One large garden growing…