WFSC Creative Writing Facilitators Mike Deregowski and Kelsey Hoople challenge you to participate in national poetry month. 1 poem a day for 30 days with no working ahead. 😉
Overall theme 'The Great Escape'.

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Day 4 | April 4th | Faith of the Fires

Members: Log in and comment below with your poem for today!
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Faith of the Fires
I wish I have that Faith
I wish I got that Fire
In my heart
In my gut
Where are you Faith
Why fizzling the Fire
I need you Now
Both Faith and Fire!
I yearn for a glimpse of hope
I'm shivering for that heat
Is this ever going to end?
That deep hopelessness
This frozen, frigid feeling
I need you now
That Faith of The Fires
4. Faith of the Fires
In the heart of a mother
love lives.
She steps in, stands back
lets go.
Pride swells deep within
her chest.
If you do well she lets
you know.
A wrong turn taken
she guides you back
With encouragement
a gentle hand on track
Mistakes of same
a lesson is repeated
Disrespect her
she cares - yet feels defeated.
In the heart of a mother
taken to task
A spark ignites to make you learn
- it was simple what she asks...
In the belly of the earth
a fire burns.
(c) Linda J. Pedley 04-04-2020
Faith of the Fires
Here, you can see it in my chest,
That hole; ash-filled, cold and dark;
I can promise you once, long ago, a flame burned there; one of the best.
Ah, the stories I could tell of remark.
Oh, the stories I could tell of that once-bright-heart-gone-cold;
It had a happiness that shone
Near as bright as the stars now centuries old.
But such stories, such paths have come-and-gone.
Amongst the ashes now, in the coldest-darkness
Of this hearts tortured pathways
I wander alone, reminiscing at memories no less.
In the halls that once, long ago, shone with such starkness
I now only feel a faith
Of the fires that once burned, bright…
Faith of the Fires
My whole life I held a faith
Of a fire deep within
Between two in a gaze
Couldn’t wait for it to begin
Everything seemed a haze
When I looked back to where I’d been
Seemed like a game
I couldn’t win
Until I heard her name
On the lips of her kin
I know it sounds lame
But I swear, when I saw her grin
Something happened to my brain
It went into a spin
And my wild heart did tame
Curing me of my sin
All because of my faith of the flame